To State Words Phrases or Sentences Again for Emphasis

Transition Words & Phrases

Author: Michael Fifty

Appointment: October iii, 2019 | Grammar


Transition words and phrases are an important function of the English language. They are used to connect words and sentences, often past referring dorsum to one idea and signaling the introduction of a new ane. Transition words tin likewise help a passage of writing period better, although it is all-time not to overuse them.

Consider the example:

  • James did not go to the movies. He visited his grandparents instead .

The transition discussion in the in a higher place case is instead. It links the 2 sentences together past referring back to the kickoff judgement and signaling that an culling thought has been introduced.

Consider the instance without the transition word:

  • James did not go to the movies. He visited his grandparents.

The lack of a link between the two sentences leaves things a scrap vague. We do not explicitly know that the ii sentences are related, whereas the previous example shows that James visited his grandparents as an alternative to going to the movies.

At that place are 100s of transition words and phrases in English. Indeed, because of the evolution of language over time, new transition phrases tin can announced all the fourth dimension. Often transition words are conjunctive adverbs – words like however, also, indeed, instead, still, therefore – or phrases containing conjunctive adverbs, conjunctions and adverbs. The point is that transition words cover a wide variety of language, just information technology's more important to recognize their function rather than categorize them.

When to Utilize Transition Words?

Fundamentally, we utilise transition words to connect sentences and words together. They often refer back to the previous sentence or words within a sentence, and allow the reader know that there is some related or new information on its way. At that place are different types of transition words and phrases, and not all of them accept this simplistic explanation for their use.

Consider the passage below, and notice the highlighted transition words and phrases:

I do non like dairy products very much, particularly cheese. Still , I make an exception for water ice cream, specially chocolate ice foam. Indeed , water ice cream is probably my favorite affair to eat. Admittedly , I am also aware that ice cream is very fattening, not to mention full of saccharide. In other words , ice foam isn't very healthy. Nevertheless, life is too curt to worry about these things. With this in listen , I will continue to eat water ice cream every day. I may end up overweight, of grade . On balance, this is a price I am willing to pay for delicious – specially chocolate – ice cream.

Tin you meet how the transition words and phrases sew the fabric of the passage together? They act as signals by referring to the previous sentence and introducing new ideas in the next, or by referring back to previous information in the aforementioned judgement and changing the accent of it. Usually, transition words and phrases help a passage of writing menstruation better, but it's besides recommended not to use as well many transition words, every bit it tin can make the writing a bit confusing or heavy. As an example, the passage above arguably uses besides many transitional words and phrases from a stylistic standpoint and would be easier to read with fewer transtions.

Types of Transition Words

Equally nosotros mentioned, transition words are unremarkably used to link words and sentences by referring back to 1 idea and introducing a new i. However, transition words practice this in a variety of ways. With that in mind, permit's suspension downward the different types of transition words into categories based on the way they link words together.

Here are some of the main ways transition words are used:

To introduce a new idea or opposite point of view:

  • Simply, while, conversely, however, even so, yet, instead, all the same, although, though, fifty-fifty though, incidentally.
    • I went to his house hoping to find him; yet , he was not in that location.
    • They told her they weren't happy with her designs, just she however resolved to go on.

To introduce a conclusion:

  • Finally, and so, as, therefore, thus, consequently, in determination, since, equally such, finally, after.
    • Finally , the choir began singing.
    • Since that is the case, nosotros have no selection but to resign.

To introduce a list or point out a sequence of events:

  • Get-go, second, third, firstly, secondly, first of all, terminal of all, finally, lastly, later on that, until, including, next.
    • We go to Paris this Sun. After that , Rome.
    • First of all , let me tell you what happened. Then yous can determine.

To acknowledge a concession:

  • Of course, admittedly, yet, naturally, alas.
    • There is another way to exercise it, of course .
    • Admittedly , it was my biggest mistake.

To add accent or additions.

  • Also, in add-on, furthermore, also, additionally, moreover, indeed, namely, in fact, for the most office, every bit a matter of fact.
    • David, Benjamin and Ellie laughed. Indeed , even Daniel found information technology funny.
    • For the nearly part , the kids in the classroom kept quiet.

To introduce clauses and weather:

  • On the condition that, in light of, in order to, provided that, whenever, while, as long as.
    • You tin go, as long as you are back by midnight.
    • Whenever you return, lock the door later y'all.

The above just shows a small pick of dissimilar transition words and phrases, but in that location are many more words and phrases used in this fashion. It can likewise be somewhat disruptive, because sometimes the words on the list above can be used in a judgement without information technology being a transition give-and-take.

Consider these two sentences:

  • Despite nerves, Donna came first in the race. (Kickoff is non a transition word in this sentence.)
  • To win a race, first y'all must believe you lot can win.  (Offset is a transition word in this sentence.)

Examples of Transition Words

Below are some more examples of transition words in sentences:

  • The Queen is the UK's Caput of Country. Additionally, she is likewise the Caput of State for Commonwealth of australia.
  • We were hungry. Withal , because the kitchen was already closed, nosotros didn't consume until forenoon.
  • I doesn't need to nourish college. There are, in fact, many ways to obtain knowledge.
  • She was very tired. Indeed , she hadn't slept for weeks.
  • In low-cal of recent weather condition events, the evidence will be cancelled.
  • Finally , the car came to a skidding halt.
  • You lot should become to the conference. Besides , Nib and Caren should go as well.
  • Information technology's obvious y'all don't want me hither. As a effect , I have decided I will leave tomorrow.
  • We are German citizens. Merely we are likewise citizens of Europe.
  • He lowered his phonation, every bit if to underline the seriousness of the matter.
  • Monkeys groom each other in order to build relationships.
  • Michael and Sarah are here. I was chatting with them before, as a matter of fact .

Why are Transition Words Of import?

Without transition words and phrases, language would be somewhat stiff. They sew words and sentences together, helping them menses better past acting every bit a link to what was previously stated in the passage. Nonetheless, they are more than that, they act as signals in writing to testify shifts in ideas, tone and emphasis, and introduce conclusions, sequences and contradictions.

The key to understanding them lies in the proper name itself: Transition words. Transition means alter, and these words indicate that at that place has been a modify or that a change is forthcoming. This change could be subtle, like a shift in emphasis, or more obvious, like the offer of a contrary thought or determination, simply transition words, notwithstanding, act as a signal for that modify. In the cease, this is of import considering it gets to the root of how we empathise linguistic communication, every bit these transition words act similar bridges through words, sentences and meaning.

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